Take the leap

Monday, October 4, 2010

During the time that my husband, Matt Kell, was battling cancer, he wrote in his Purpose Driven Life Journal. His words are a powerful testimony of his faith and I pray they will be used to bless the lives of others. Below is one brief excerpt:

"How can I not praise, thank and worship God?! He is my only hope. For this world and the next. He has blessed me and continues to bless me in my affliction. I can't (won't) understand why he would take me home now. It's doesn't seem right. But if I believe the promises, mansions, perfect bodies, eternal peace, I must trust that his plan is perfect! That is why I will praise and confess him daily."

When I think of the words of Jesus -- "Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." (John 12:24) --  Of course, Christ himself is the perfect example, but he uses ordinary people to produce many seeds as well.  I cannot help but think Matt's life and death is being used for this purpose. He will never know how many lives he is touching through his death, but he understood that it was possible:

"I am now in the biggest test. What appears to be the end of life. Who will I touch? How will I be perceived? Do I really believe the promises? Can I experience peace and joy in my trials to come? Can I reflect eternal life in the face of earthly mortality? I have been given a gift. If I can be a positive witness as a 34 year old, father of two young boys, husband of a vibrant young wife through terminal cancer, that would be in accordance with his will and held as a credit to me."

We do not have to die young to have an impact on the lives of others. We have all been given the ability to "produce many seeds" through the example we set in our daily lives. Our legacy is determined by the manner in which we actively live our faith! Every day is an opportunity. Live boldly!



  1. Wow, Matt was so special and so are you Gina.

  2. Gina, I am crying and grateful that you have shared some of what Matt wrote. Your blog, Michael's blog and the words of Matt will be an encouragement to many I am certain. I have not visited Michael's blog yet. There is only so much I can take at one time.
