Take the leap

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Keepin' It Real With My New Blob!

Just last week I was admiring the red, yellow and orange leaves just outside my kitchen window as they shimmered against the crisp blue autumn sky. Now, the leaves are sparse, the rain has come, and cool breezes have grown tails that snap. I can feel winter beginning to permeate my being. There are a few redeeming qualities about this bitter season such as a white Christmas, ski weekends, and the elimination of bugs for a while, namely spiders. For that reason alone I say bring on the snow! The cold air might also motivate me to spend more time in front of a cozy fire, blogging.

It's been a while since my last blog. I'm told that to be a "blogger" one must post regularly (wondering if there is a "blog laxative" to help me stay regular?). I'm resisting the pressure to conform to the rules. It's got to be authentic, from the heart, otherwise its more like a blob than a blog. I like blogging, perhaps because of its likeness to journaling, but blogs are intended for public consumption which gives them a certain self-indulgent and vulnerable quality. As a result, I find myself deleting rather than publishing posts.

When Michael and I first started writing our story we thought it was possible that it could someday become a real book, but it wasn't the reason we started writing. Initially, the writing was for ourselves and for our kids. For me it was a personal, intimate source of comfort and healing for many months after Matt died. Over the past year we have slowly discovered how our story and our willingness to share it has affected the few people who have read it so far. This realization has given us the courage to build a new ministry (New Day Living) that includes growing our foundation, starting a radio show, booking speaking engagements, and hopefully writing more books. All this is in service to the lives and legacies of Matt and Cathy.

I'm not filled with political ideas or deep historical references, although I've never been one to back down from giving an opinion if I think I have a half chance of articulating it clearly. It really comes down to this: I have lived through some stuff and have met countless others who have too. I believe that talking about our experiences and sharing our stories of faith helps us grow in our relationships.

I'm going to see if I can't get here a bit more regularly to share some thoughts and ideas. I am not looking for an opportunity to monologue... I am really hoping for a blogue-dialogue where creative new ideas and shared and interesting conversations are had. Mostly, I'm looking forward to getting to know you better.

So, here's a question... What comes to mind when you think of Baptist preachers? (In my next post, I'll tell you why I'm asking!)